Yesterday I got a condolence card from the vet saying
"May you find peace in knowing that your decision was truly kind and loving."
Oh my that was my undoing. Art had the day off which was a good thing.
I cried "I want my dog back" Poor Art just hugged me and told me it would be ok.
I was so sad. We went out to dinner last night and afterwards we went to the mall. I knew Art was taking me there to see the puppies. I had mentioned I wanted a Yorkie Terrier. We looked on the internet and they wanted between $1,000 and $3,000 for a puppy. Way out of our price range.
We got to the pet store and they were so busy. There were 3 puppies left that were not being held by someone. One of the them was a black
minature schnauzer. Art asked me if I wanted to hold him. I said sure. They brought the little guy out and I took him in my arms. My heart started to heal and the hole I felt from loosing my Kody filled with love for this little guy. He curled up on my chest after giving me a kiss and looking me in the eyes with his big black eyes. He snuggled in and fell asleep. An hour later we were bringing our new puppy home

Look I am a big dog!! This little guy is our new addition to the family. He hops around like a bunny and plays like a big dog with his Dad Art.

The only thing that slowed him down was his reflection in the dishwasher.

All tuckered out he is winding down and getting ready for bed. I am wondering what new adventure will take place tomorrow. We don't have a name for him yet but we are working on it. Got any suggestions?
This little guy has a big job. He has to fill the hole in my heart left when we had to put My Kody Bear down Monday. That was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Kody was my baby puppy for 16 years. She kept me company and watched me bead for many years. I have a feeling this little guy is going to try and eat the beads instead of watching me.