Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Katrina has left so many unsure whether they have a home to come home to.
Art and I made it safely to Michigan with Cricket before the hurricane made landfall
on August 29th. We have been glued to the TV watching the devasation and destruction left from this powerful storm. I know my friends, Tanmye, Chuck are safe with their two cats in a hotel in Northern Lousiania. Brenda, Jerry, John and Karen are safe also, along with their pets. My other friends Steve and Debb, Chris and Andrew are in a hotel four miles down the road from Tammye and Brenda.
I haven't been able to get hold of my friend Sally. She is a nurse at Ochsner Hospital. I know she was on hurrican duty. This afternoon I heard that Kenner, LA was under water. I hope her husband Bruce is with her. I am 1,009 miles from reality. I am Wondering what we will come home too when they give the ok
God Bless New Orleans. The Crescent City needs so much help right now.
I will write more in the days to come. Bev
Saturday, August 27, 2005
The Big 50
Every Friday night we meet at Planc's Coffee & Tea to visit. Steve and Debb make a mean cup of cafe mocha, 2% milk with a little whip cream please. I love their kids Chris and Andrew. Tonight we had dinner together. (Tammye, Chuck and I) Something we do just about every Friday. I never thought they would surprise me with a birthday party tonight. Monday I am the big 50 or as my daughter tells the new 30. I should have suspected some thing was up when Tammye told me our friend Carolyn was joining us also. We grilled steak and tuna and had green bean casserole with artichoke hearts topped with bread crumbs. Tammye made a super salad with red, yellow peppers, avocados, grapes, almond slices and lettuce. After dinner they sang happy birthday and we had a wonderful carrot cake from Maurice's Bakery with 3 candles to make a wish. One for past, present and future. I blew them out and made a wish. I can't tell you how much it means to have such wonderful friends in New Orleans.
I will be in Michigan with my family the day of my birthday. We are leaving with the threat of Hurricane Katrina possibly making landfall close to New Orleans. Tonight I went back through my beads and packed some of my favorite one. Who knows what we will come home to after the storm hits.
Bead Happy and be well...I am on the road again.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
The Dragonfly

Monday, August 22, 2005
"Pearls by the Sea"

Tuesday, August 02, 2005
"Take me to the Sea"

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