Walking along the shores of Lake Michigan and watching the sunset. The squeals of laughter from children as the water laps at their feet. These are a few of my favorite things.
I have been in Michigan for almost a month. What started out as vacation became an evacuee haven. I treasure the extra time I got to spend with my sisters. We went to the Allegan county fair, walked through the barns and laughed at the chickens with their funny feathers. I rode the Ferris wheel and smiled as I remembered how scared I was when I was younger. We went out dinner and celebrated birthdays. We had coffee with friends and shared stories of the past. Sunday dinners with my kids and enjoying my grandbabies creating memories to carry back with me to New Orleans.

My sister Rosanne showed me how to do needle felting and I learned how to make felted beads. I can't wait to go home and create bead art with these things. I am going to try my hand at knitting a bag. The pattern is from "Just One More Row" Rosanne makes the most wonderful felted bags. She has an eye for color and uses beautiful wool colors in her patterns. You can never have enough beads and now I have to add "you can never have enough wool" Fibers and Bead Art. They go good together.
I found out today that our apartment is just as left it almost a month ago. We are leaving Thursday to head back to New Orleans. Picking up the pieces will be easier for us than those who have lost homes and loved ones to the hurricanes. Will things ever be the same? I doubt it, but it is time to take my new memories and head south to pick up the pieces and get on with life.