Where did all that time go since my last post to the blog? Well, my Mom and I went on a road trip to Phoenix, AZ to visit with my brother and meet his Fiancé Jammie. I am so bad. I forgot to take a picture of them! Don't worry I took lots of pictures of the scenery and places we stopped along the way.

I bought a Garmin (GPS) for our trip. Not only did it does it map out your route it also found attactions, food and lodging along the way. We stopped at
Stein's Ghost town in New Mexico.

Lucky for us Garmin found this attactration for us on our way to Phoenix.
Casa Grande Ruins (Click on the link to read about the ruins)

From my brother's house Garmin led us to the
Bead Musuem in Glendale where we met Judith and Crystal. We toured the museum and had lunch at a Tea Room a block away. That was a special treat seeing the bead exhibits and spending an afternoon with friends.

Texas has the most beautiful wild flowers.
I see this color combination in a future bead project.