Happy New Year to my family and friends, to those who paths have crossed mine and to those who paths that I will cross. I wish you peace, happiness and joy for the coming New Year. Thank you for touching my life with happiness. May you have a blessed and wonderful new year.
My Christmas Wish Came True.
I got to spend it with all of my children, grand kids, sisters and my Mom too. We had more snow than I have seen in years. I watched my granddaughter make a snowman.

We made bracelets together. I asked my daughter Amiee if she would like to bead with us and she said yes. I did not realize I have never asked her before. She was so quick and promptly finished her bracelet in record time. I promised to put together some kits with instruction as she wants to learn more.

This is the bracelet Rosanne made.

It was really hard to get on the plane and go home. I am such a baby! I cried each time I hugged someone in my family and said good bye.
Art picked me up at the airport with Cricket who jumped right into the front seat and stayed there all the way home.
The fireworks are booming and lighting up the sky. It's loud in my next of the woods waiting for 2009.