Get Ready To Sail. Registration for Bead Cruise 2011 is under way. Heather has gathered a group of Rock Star Instructors for next year's bead cruise. I will be teaching along side Dallas Lovett, Marcia DeCoster, Jean Campbell, Tracy Stanley, and Heather Powers.
I have long admired Dallas Lovett's designs with wire and seed beads.
Marcia DeCoster is the Master of Right Angle Weave.

Jean Campbell is the founding editor of Beadwork magazine

You will love Tracy's classes! She makes metal sing.

Heather is the working force behind the Bead Cruise. She is a master of polymer clay and jewelry design.

I am looking forward to teaching two new designs next year.

My favorite things about the Bead Cruise, sailing the high seas. Making memories to treasures. Connecting with old friends and making new ones. Beading and shopping during the open beading sessions. Eating dinner together and sharing the fun we had during the day.
Visit and make your reservation today.
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