
Saturday, March 03, 2007


I am not a very organized person. I work better when things are scattered all over. That is the old me. The new me is trying to focus and get organized. My daughter Heather is very organized. She has To-Do lists and keeps a journal of ideas and sketches. Sometimes those list can be a litle daunting. Here is my To-Do list for the month. 1. String a bracelet to crochet this weekend. 2. Test a pattern. 3. Tidy up my instructions for the Mayan Treasure Bracelet and print for the cruise class. 4. Finish putting kits together after the beads arrive. 5. Update my website. It is long over due for a major over haul. What is on your To-Do list?


sam said...

My to-do list:

stitch a wine stem for a friend

try a new pattern for a fun bracelet

finish this ornament I can't decide if I like or not

make room for 3 extra kids for a couple of months

get portfolio together so I can be one of the "instructors" for several bead shops here

remember to breathe

The Lone Beader® said...

My list is too long to post here... LOL.

Beverly Herman said...

Sam I am always saying "just breathe". Enjoy the kids. They grow up so fast! Looks like you have your hand full.

Beverly Herman said...

Lone beader I think I would be overwhelmed if I had your To-Do list. *grin*. Your an amazing person!!

The bad Liz said...

1. Accept the fact that my hubby's cousin and two teens will be visiting for a long weekend.

2. Make plans to be in Ohio for that weekend.

3. Try on clothes and pack for the bead cruise (only 20 more days).

4. Reservations for AMTRAK to Milwaukee for the Bead and Button show.

Judith said...

Well, there are the 20+ lists that I've "lost" on my desk.... or the real jumbled one in my head. Just 2 major things that are on every one of those lists...#1 work on 3rd bead crochet book & #2 get samples and worksheets ready for a freeform peyote workshop the 15th of March!!

Robin said...

Breathe? Who has time for that?!!!! When I make "to do lists," I always draw little boxes in front of each item, so I can feel good about checking it off. Also, I add really easy/quick things, such as feed the cat or make the bed. You get it... the immediate gratification of two checks on my list!!! Top of my list right now is to work on my forthcoming book. I try to add one easily doable thing (such as select beads for one of the samples) each time I update my to do list.

Heather Powers said...

you can do it Mom! one thing at a time.