Our time together at the Gilmer Get Away has come to an end.
It looks like we have felted everything we could our hands on. Becky and Jackie are back home. A wintry mix kept me an extra day. I didn't mind at all. It was another day to play with beads and spend with Marcie and Judith.

We started with needle felting on wool making pictures and designs. Becky made a sampler. Working magic with the needle and roving. Pushing the envelope she created her felted bag with a heart design.

Jackie sat quietly in the corner needle felting a ladybug with a sun. Before we knew it she had a snowman scene completed with a beaded Christmas tree. After a trip to "Dressing Gaudy" Jackie was inspired to make a cell phone holder and glass case.
Freeform Felting
Marcie added her special touch with freeform felting to create a wonderful abstract bag. Her cleverness didn't stop there as Marcie felted the sides of her bag together. I believe she created a new technique.

Felted Ball Necklaces and Lariats
Bev made a black abstract.

Judith made several felted ball necklaces.
Sleeve Art by Bev and Judith

So much was done in such a short time. I love our Gilmer Get Aways!
Looks like ya felted everything ya could. Everything turned out great. Then all the fun you had doing it. PRICELESS
oh your lariat turned out so great!!! we'll have to sport them the next time we go out on the town together.
love ya!
Did everyone notice that Bev's Art Deco lariat has ends that DO NOT match? We teased her about finally doing somehing that was not symetrical. It is beautiful.
All of you my dear friends have teased me into submission. I did made two ends that did not match and didn't even bat an eye lash. *grin*
I know you girls had a great get away. You are such talents, and with a streak! Wish I could have been there with you.
Love to you all,
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