Monday, December 19, 2005

Sunday, December 18, 2005
Merry Christmas

Saturday, December 10, 2005
Felting Frenzy

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Sleeve Art

Monday, November 28, 2005
Copyrights "I Should be flattered"

Thursday, November 24, 2005
The Bead Pavilion Storage Unit

Thursday, November 10, 2005
The Gadget Girl

Friday, November 04, 2005
Studio Friday "Secrets"

A Trip to San Antonio

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Saturday, October 01, 2005
The City that never sleeps
The lights are out and it is dark.
The City that never sleeps has turned out the lights.
We arrived home to a much different place than what we left a month ago. I started noticing the difference as we neared the Mississippi-Louisiana border. Trees were uprooted and other were snapped in half like toothpicks. We thought it would be a good idea to fill up the gas tank before crossing the swamps. We stopped in Hammond for gas. The gas station was full of cars. Hand written signs on plain white paper said "Out of Gas". We left and hoped our half of tank of gas would be enough until tomorrow. We crossed the Bonny Carre' Spillways and I saw the lights from a refinery. I looked for the city lights of New Orleans. It was dark. We got off at the I-610 spilt and headed down Airline Hwy towards Williams Blvd. Piles of debris lined the side of the road along with refrigerators that had gray duck tape around them locking the smell and mold inside. The smell of things rotting was overwhelming. We continued on knowing our apartment complex would be a mess also. We were prepared. Home was just a few blocks away. We walked into our apartment and it looked just like it did when we left it. No water damage, no mold on the walls and no trees through our walls. We were the lucky ones.
Our internet access is sparatic and the cell phones always have a busy signal. I wanted to get a dial up service but Art said "no" just be patient. That just about cuts me off from the rest of the world and my friends. That is the part of all of this I dislike the most.
This morning I took a few pictures of the storm damage outside of our apartment.
This is the sidewalk that leads to our apartment.
These Cypress trees fell behind the complex next to ours.
This Cypress tree fell right in front of our patio. We were so lucky it fell along side of the apartment. Otherwise we would not have had much to come home too. It ripped up the cement patio by the pool and crushed the wrought iron fence.
I can't imagine the damage we did not see as clean up has been going for a couple of weeks.
We took a ride this morning to the post office to see about getting our mail. The lobby was open but the counter was closed. I brought my camera a long to take more pictures. Instead I just looked in awe at the damage in the process of being cleaned up. Trees on roofs and laying in yards. Not just trees but very large trees. Fences were down everywhere. Like someone had come along and stepped on them here and there. I saw a tent city set up by the national guard and a church parking lot with a sign giving out food and water. There is only one Wal-Mart opened and that is in Kenner. You have to stand in line with a number and wait your turn to go in and shop. The Super Wal-Mart on Jefferson Hwy by my house is closed. Small signs line the side of the road with stores that are open and others saying help wanted. Big pieces of plywood spray painted saying "Open for Business" in other places. You see the path the hurricane took as she passed by. The telephone poles are bent and the street signs are pointing in the wrong direction. Everything looks like it has been tilted in the wrong direction. A trip the grocery store to replace food in the house meant long lines. Not everything was in stock. We learned quickly that you get your errands done before dark. We came home to quite a few U-hauls in the parking lot with people packing up and leaving for good. I wish we were back in Michigan.

Monday, September 26, 2005
A Few of my Favorite Things

Monday, September 05, 2005
Living Day To Day
It has been 8 days since we left our home. Our vacation is now a place of safe haven at my Moms. We are wondering how do you pick up the pieces? Do we try to move back home when they give the ok and say it is safe, or do we start our lives over again in Michigan? We don't know. I am no longer saying I am not going back and you can't make me. I know my home is where my husband has a job.
On to more pleasant things. This weekend I did a show with my sister Rosanne. It was the "All Crafts Fair" a juried show. It was sad to see all the commerical products that were suppose to be hand made. It is really hard compete with jewerly that sells for $5.00 and up from a trade show. It is like comparing Macy's to Walmart. I am thankful I made enough to make my van payment and help out with groceries. I always look forward to this weekend and spending time with my sister. I got to spend time with my daughter Amiee and my son Ray. Katelyn, Josh and Allison are growing up so fast.
I want to thank everyone who has emailed and called to check on us. Friends are such a blessing and I am grateful for each and everyone of you.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Katrina has left so many unsure whether they have a home to come home to.
Art and I made it safely to Michigan with Cricket before the hurricane made landfall
on August 29th. We have been glued to the TV watching the devasation and destruction left from this powerful storm. I know my friends, Tanmye, Chuck are safe with their two cats in a hotel in Northern Lousiania. Brenda, Jerry, John and Karen are safe also, along with their pets. My other friends Steve and Debb, Chris and Andrew are in a hotel four miles down the road from Tammye and Brenda.
I haven't been able to get hold of my friend Sally. She is a nurse at Ochsner Hospital. I know she was on hurrican duty. This afternoon I heard that Kenner, LA was under water. I hope her husband Bruce is with her. I am 1,009 miles from reality. I am Wondering what we will come home too when they give the ok
God Bless New Orleans. The Crescent City needs so much help right now.
I will write more in the days to come. Bev
Saturday, August 27, 2005
The Big 50
Every Friday night we meet at Planc's Coffee & Tea to visit. Steve and Debb make a mean cup of cafe mocha, 2% milk with a little whip cream please. I love their kids Chris and Andrew. Tonight we had dinner together. (Tammye, Chuck and I) Something we do just about every Friday. I never thought they would surprise me with a birthday party tonight. Monday I am the big 50 or as my daughter tells the new 30. I should have suspected some thing was up when Tammye told me our friend Carolyn was joining us also. We grilled steak and tuna and had green bean casserole with artichoke hearts topped with bread crumbs. Tammye made a super salad with red, yellow peppers, avocados, grapes, almond slices and lettuce. After dinner they sang happy birthday and we had a wonderful carrot cake from Maurice's Bakery with 3 candles to make a wish. One for past, present and future. I blew them out and made a wish. I can't tell you how much it means to have such wonderful friends in New Orleans.
I will be in Michigan with my family the day of my birthday. We are leaving with the threat of Hurricane Katrina possibly making landfall close to New Orleans. Tonight I went back through my beads and packed some of my favorite one. Who knows what we will come home to after the storm hits.
Bead Happy and be well...I am on the road again.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
The Dragonfly

Monday, August 22, 2005
"Pearls by the Sea"

Tuesday, August 02, 2005
"Take me to the Sea"

Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Puppy Love
Yesterday I got a condolence card from the vet saying
"May you find peace in knowing that your decision was truly kind and loving."
Oh my that was my undoing. Art had the day off which was a good thing.
I cried "I want my dog back" Poor Art just hugged me and told me it would be ok.
I was so sad. We went out to dinner last night and afterwards we went to the mall. I knew Art was taking me there to see the puppies. I had mentioned I wanted a Yorkie Terrier. We looked on the internet and they wanted between $1,000 and $3,000 for a puppy. Way out of our price range.
We got to the pet store and they were so busy. There were 3 puppies left that were not being held by someone. One of the them was a black minature schnauzer. Art asked me if I wanted to hold him. I said sure. They brought the little guy out and I took him in my arms. My heart started to heal and the hole I felt from loosing my Kody filled with love for this little guy. He curled up on my chest after giving me a kiss and looking me in the eyes with his big black eyes. He snuggled in and fell asleep. An hour later we were bringing our new puppy home
Look I am a big dog!! This little guy is our new addition to the family. He hops around like a bunny and plays like a big dog with his Dad Art.
The only thing that slowed him down was his reflection in the dishwasher.
All tuckered out he is winding down and getting ready for bed. I am wondering what new adventure will take place tomorrow. We don't have a name for him yet but we are working on it. Got any suggestions?
This little guy has a big job. He has to fill the hole in my heart left when we had to put My Kody Bear down Monday. That was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Kody was my baby puppy for 16 years. She kept me company and watched me bead for many years. I have a feeling this little guy is going to try and eat the beads instead of watching me.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Vintage Art

Back home from the Gilmer Getaway
There is nothing like spending a week in Gilmer with the beadtrekers. A quiet place with friends and beads, no TV or radio. The world revolves around the projects we are working on. Our projects were microscope slides and bottle cap bracelets. It seems the microscope slides have become obession. We couldn't make enough of them. It's not fair that we get to have all the fun so I made a webpage to share. Gilmer Get Away 2005
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Gilmer Get Away
It is that time of the year
time for the Gilmer get away.
The Beadtrekers are on the move. Who are the Beadtrekers?
Friends, traveling north, south, east and west to met some where along the way to visit and bead together. Last year we logged 15,000 miles getting together to bead.
This is our fifth year to met in Gilmer as one of our friends travels from west to east. What do we do when we get together. We bead, laugh, eat and sleep when we want. No TV or radio to distract us only the sounds of talking and laughter. We test new bead ideas and pass them along later in the year at bead retreats or as classes in our area. See you in 10 days with news of yet another bead adventure.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
The Invisible Join

Saturday, May 07, 2005
Strawberry Fields Forever

Thursday, April 21, 2005
A Beaders Palatte

Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Queen of Mardi Gras

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