Saturday we decided we need to get out of the house and have some fun. Art is not big on crowds but decided to humor me with a trip to Ponchatula for the
Strawberry Festival. The Strawberry Festival is the 2nd largest free event in Louisiana next to
Mardi Gras. We had to park outside of town and take a bus. It was crazy how many people were packed in a small area.

Frito Fries. No we didn't try those but I did have coconut shrimp on a stick. We bought strawberry bread.

There was a line to see the two headed snake!

We checked out the crafts and I was truly taken with the horse made of rubber. Actually it was the man sitting on the rubber horse. He was a happy old guy trying to draw people to his booth.

It's been a very long time since I went to an event with carnival atmosphere.
We set out to have fun and we did.
Thanks for stopping.