Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday Night Heroes
Instead of Heroes tonight we had Football. I am not good at watching sports on TV. 998 channels on cable and I couldn't find a thing I wanted to watch. I spotted the lariat on my computer desk. These earrings instantly came to mind. What a perfect match to the St Peterburg Lariat.
If I keep on track there will be a matching bracelet. I will be working on instructions for both. I am hoping to start on them before Thursday. I will be cooking Thanksgiving dinner for Art and I. He's worried that it might be to much for me. As long as he helps me lift the turkey to put it in and out of the oven we will be in business.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Baby It's Cold Outside
Today was our first really cold day of fall.
We had wind chills of 40 degree.
Tonight the temperatures will dip down in the 30's.
Where I am going with this?
On this first day of cold my husband opens the windows to let in the fresh air.
The sun sets and the temperatures drop. I start shivering, adding layers of clothing all the time looking for my blanket to huddle under to keep warm.
Cricket loves to look out the window with his bear.
The heat gets turned on. It gets to hot. Clothes are shed. We have adjusted and are now ready for winter. This is life at my house on the first day of the winter season.

Thursday, November 20, 2008
I am a winner!!
This afternoon a package arrived in my mailbox. I was so excited because I knew these beautiful doily earrings created by Inspired Jewelry by Ann Burke would be inside. Ann had a drawing on her blog to pick a favorite pair of her doily earrings from her etsy shop.
My favorite were the Mohagany Doily Earrings. Ann's color choice and combinations are stunning. I love the faceted red Tiger Eye stone in the center. It is a perfect match to red Tiger Eye bracelet I made last year.
Stop by Ann'Etsy shop where you find the perfect piece of bead art for you or someone on your shopping list.
Thanks Ann, I will treasure and wear these earrings often!

Double St. Petersburg Chain
I have been busy working on a Double St. Peterburgs Chain. This will be my entry for the next Etsy Beadweavers challenge. The theme for the December Challenge is called "Snow Queen". I Imagine my Snow Queen wearing this piece at night. The dark blue of the night sky makes the snow and ice look gray. Surface embellishments on the end of the lariat will be a while pearl and with a blue flower crystal. The design is coming along fine in my mind. Now my hands just have to complete the task.
You can see the pieces that have been entered so far by searching EBWC on Etsy.

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Rope Enhancer by AZBeadedTreasures
This morning I received an email from Terri. She shared a picture of her beautiful rope enhancer using white pearls. The look is so elegant and her workmanship is beautiful.
You can see more of Terri's beaded creations in her etsy shop called AZBeadedTreasures. Or contact Terri by email at RaggeyBoy@aol.com
As a Designer and teacher, it is so nice to hear from someone who has created something from one of your patterns or instructions. Terri has made this piece uniquely hers with her choice of surface embellishments and colors.
Instructions for the Rope Enhancer can be found at Bead-Patterns.com

Friday, November 07, 2008
We Have A Set
The last couple of days I have been busy crocheting. I am making coasters in sets of six for Christmas presents. I found one of my favorite crocheted angel ornament pattern the other day. Now if I could find my crochet snowflake book I would be in business! Sunday I will have Art help pull the boxes down off the shelves. Hopefully I will be able to find them.
My beads are singing quietly in the background waiting for me to get over this crocheting phase.
Are you making Christmas presents this year? Leave a comment. I would love to hear what you are making.

Thursday, November 06, 2008
This afternoon I went on a quest to find something I knew I had in my closet. I did find what I was looking for but I also found a treasure. A scrapbook Heather made for me in 1999 for Mother's day. Before I go on, I have let you know these boxes have been stacked in the closet from the first day we moved in.(at least 3 or 4years) I wasn't sure what I was going to find!
The words Heather wrote to me, her Mom filled me with so much love for my daughter. I cried because it is hard being so far away from my Mom, my children, my grandbabies, my sisters, my brother and nieces and nephews. This year will be wonderful. I am so excited I will be going home for Christmas.
Heather as a child kissing her Mom.
Heather at the age of 17.
Heather on her weddng day,
with so much joy within standing next to her Mom and Dad.
This brings me to Twitter which I recently joined. I have become a twitter stalker. It's a great tool when you see them twitter and know they are by the phone and it is my chance to call them. *grin*
If you would like to learn some helpful hints on how to use twitter for your business and promoting. Stop by the Humblebeads blog. She has some great do and don'ts in the twitter world.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Make A Difference VOTE
Monday, November 03, 2008
I Have A Dream
And it is for a sewing maching.
I have narrowed my search to this Brother® Project Runway 50 Stitch Computerized Sewing Machine from JoAnn Fabrics. The regular price is $398.88. with their online 40% off coupon the cost would $239.33 with free shipping. This baby would do all the things I would need one to do with a sewing machine. Right now it is just a dream. This would be a major purchase right now. To many hospital bills from my surgery that have to be paid first. But, I have a dream for that sewing machine!

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