It was pleasure to met Eni Oken and Marcia Decoster and see Rachel Nelson-Smith our instructors on the cruise. The beadwork was incrediable and the women who sailed with us were just delightful! Thank you Karen and Karen for the pen with my name on it. Denise I love the candle it smells so good. Thank you!(a little island flavor) Each year is better than the last. Pat I am so glad I finally got to met you. I am looking forward to Bead Cruise 2009!

(left to right)Karen, Red, Bev, and Pat)
Our journey began on "Navigator of the Sea".

Bead Cruise 2008 set sail from Fort Lauderdale, Florida on March 1st.

The weather was perfect and we were ready to set Sail on the High Seas. Our first stop was Ocho Rios, Jamaica. I woke early in the morning as our ship slowed and prepared to dock. I was so excited. Just like a kid on Christmas morning.

We did a little shopping and headed back to the ship.
We learned there are no problems in Jamaica only solutions.

Our next stop was Georgetown, Grand Cayman.
We went to Hell and back again.

A stop at the Turtle farm was next, where we held a baby sea turtle. Every 17 years the turtles return to the Cayman Islands.

Than we were off on a boat ride to feed the sting rays.

Now that was an experience I won't forget. Island lore says kissing a sting ray is good luck. I wasn't ready to be kissed by a sting ray so I kissed a string ray instead.
Humblebeads and
Fabfibers to see and hear more bead cruise stories.
Thank you Heather for a job well done on Bead Cruise 2008!