We got in Sunday afternoon around 4:00pm. Driving across the swamps on I-55 and over the Bonnet
Carre' Spillways is not for the faint of heart following abdominal surgery. I bounced and jiggled like a bowl full of jello holding tight to a pillow over my belly for the last hour of the drive home. The thought that keep running through my head was "Sally better not want to go to Turquoise Coyote to soon. I would not take that ride willing for a while yet.
We made a trip to our local supermarket called
Breauxmart around 7:00pm. I really wish I had my camera with me. No one believes me when I say the shelves were empty. The produce bins were empty except for a few tomatoes and some awful looking heads of lettuces not fit for human consumption. We had our choice of 4 sticks of real butter and a loaf of Bunny bread. One man I bumped into just kind of smiled and said if I want something to eat I guess I better go to McDonald!! We ended up with a package of frozen waffles for supper that night. The water bottles and coffee creamer we brought in a cooler from Michigan. The dumpsters around the complex were frightful with bags of spoiled food from other's refrigerators spilling over.

Monday I had to go pick up a prescription. Walking more than 500 ft was very difficult for me.
Between the pain, feeling very sick and faint I had a hard time making it back out the store. I got home and couldn't not finish fixing dinner. I just sat in a chair and cried. My poor husband didn't know what to for me so he just held my hand until I could pull
myself back together. The next day I called the surgeon's office. I was sure the ride back from Michigan had caused some damage to the
hernia repair. The one thought that loomed in both of our minds was she would have to drain fluid from my
abdomen. Sally drove me to the doctor early the next morning. Dr.
Sassard to me I was still healing and needed a binder/griddle for support. Oh my gosh what a difference. I put the binder on and could walk. We went to Target to pick up some t-shirts to wear under it. Later that afternoon I was able to go to the grocery store and pick up a few things for supper this week. I am still going to follow the doctor orders to the letter. No lifting, picking up or climbing stairs for another 3 weeks.
Oh man and do I have an itch to start beading again. This afternoon Sally helped me unpack my bead boxes from the suitcase and put them away. I am ready to fondle and pick out colors for my next project.
Tomorrow I will have some exciting news to share about a package I
received in the mail today.
I worked on my website for a few minutes tonight. The side bar has new pictures of
Hugs to all and to all a beady good day.