
Sunday, January 22, 2006

What a Mess!

Are you sure she can work in that mess? I ask this question when I let my beadroom get out of control. Just before a major trip I spend days putting things away and trying get some kind order back in my room. I seem to spend more time sitting in front of my computer beading at that desk than I do beading at the table I have set up. Project after projects piles up until I can no longer see the top of my desk. What a mess!! The last two days I spent putting things away. The pictures only show part of my room. I have a walk-in closet with lots of drawers. It is amazing when I use them how uncluttered things become. I thought being a Virgo I was suppose to organized! I am sort of. Ask where something is in my mess and I can usually find it. Now that my room is back in order I am ready for my trip to Tucson.
The Myth: Prim, proper and pedantic. Fussy and fastidious. Organised and ordered. These are the words that they use when describing those born under this sign. Virgos are, say the so-called experts, obsessed with detail. They are list-makers and line-drawers, i dotters and t crossers, law abiding, protocol following readers of small print. The Truth: Oh no they're not. First of all, the goddess that governs Virgo is not a symbol of celibacy but a figure of fecundity. She is Ceres; the harvest queen who stands for all that is voluptuous and abundant. Virgo is a sensual sign and Virgos are pleasure-loving people. They like to live life to the full and they also like to do things to the very best of their ability. It is from this that their reputation for having high standards has come. They can be picky, it's true but only about things that matter to them. And as for being terribly tidy well, some may be but most are just happy enough to know where things are. To a Virgo, tidiness is a psychological state not a physical one

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Be My Valentine

Just in time for Valetines Day the beading bug has bit. It has been a long time since I have wanted to create something new. I love the microscope slide pendants. Soldering really wasn't my favorite thing to do. I may venture off and try something new but everything comes back to the beads. It took two days to design and write the pattern. I realize when I made the bezel for the second slide that not all 11 seed beads are the same size. Back to the drawing board to recount and add extra beads to fit the microscope slide. With this complete I added the instructions to You can find supplies for creating a microscope slide at ARTchix Studio Along with the microscope slides and tapes they carry a large selection of vintage images. The heart in the back ground is needle felted using Merino wool roving with silk. Accented with a bead embroidery. See everything goes back to the beads!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Humblebeads Sale

Butterfly with a Humblebead If your loooking for a good focal bead or a kit, Heather Powers is having a bead sale. Here are some examples of beadwork I have completed using Humblebeads as the focal point. Netted Bracelet with the cuff bead as the focal point. Let your creativity flow and pick up one of these beautiful beads to incorporate into your beadwork. When: January 13-18 Where: What: All beads and kits 40% off How: Just fill up your shopping cart, the discount will automatically be calculated during the check out.