
Sunday, January 22, 2006

What a Mess!

Are you sure she can work in that mess? I ask this question when I let my beadroom get out of control. Just before a major trip I spend days putting things away and trying get some kind order back in my room. I seem to spend more time sitting in front of my computer beading at that desk than I do beading at the table I have set up. Project after projects piles up until I can no longer see the top of my desk. What a mess!! The last two days I spent putting things away. The pictures only show part of my room. I have a walk-in closet with lots of drawers. It is amazing when I use them how uncluttered things become. I thought being a Virgo I was suppose to organized! I am sort of. Ask where something is in my mess and I can usually find it. Now that my room is back in order I am ready for my trip to Tucson.
The Myth: Prim, proper and pedantic. Fussy and fastidious. Organised and ordered. These are the words that they use when describing those born under this sign. Virgos are, say the so-called experts, obsessed with detail. They are list-makers and line-drawers, i dotters and t crossers, law abiding, protocol following readers of small print. The Truth: Oh no they're not. First of all, the goddess that governs Virgo is not a symbol of celibacy but a figure of fecundity. She is Ceres; the harvest queen who stands for all that is voluptuous and abundant. Virgo is a sensual sign and Virgos are pleasure-loving people. They like to live life to the full and they also like to do things to the very best of their ability. It is from this that their reputation for having high standards has come. They can be picky, it's true but only about things that matter to them. And as for being terribly tidy well, some may be but most are just happy enough to know where things are. To a Virgo, tidiness is a psychological state not a physical one


Jen said...

I could see my studio table tops too, if I tried. If I could get myself to put down the knitting...

I'm going to have to scrape away some of the debris soon, at least - one of my knitting groups is expecting me to bring beaded stitch markers to sell next month. But I've got these socks I'm designing that I'm only half done know how it goes...

Congrats on excavating down to the working surfaces! :)

Judith said...

So, Bevvie..... now you can come wreck havoc in my Tombstone beadroom? VBG- Maybe I shouldn't clean mine up before all of you get here!

Beverly Herman said...

Jenny I am glad I haven't taken up knitting. I would never get any beadwork done!

Judith I can't wait to play havoc in your beadroom. I am so looking forward to our visit