
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Dragonfly

I have a fascination with Dragonflys. They are also known as "Horse Stingers" and "Devils Darning Needle". I found the folklore and information on this creature very interesting. My recent obsession is beading business card cases. The focal piece is a glass Czech Dragonfly button. I see dragonfly everyday living next to the Mississippi river. I have been carrying a beaded case for over a year. When someone asks what do you do? I say "I bead". They look surprised and say you do what? I pull out my business card case and have an example of my work to show and a card to hand out. I have spent hours searching the internet for Beaded Card Case and haven't found any like I am doing. I taught this last year at the Arkansas Beadcave and again this year Shreveport Bead Retreat. It was big success. This last one was completed on August 23rd. I used vintage nailhead beads as accents around the focal button. If you would like to have me teach this class in your area please contact me


Jerri said...

Ohhh, thanks Bev! I loved the folklore link; and as always, your beadwork is extraordinary!

Silver Parrot said...

Your beadwork is beautiful and I think the beaded card case is a FABULOUS idea!